our in-house author blog
Tanya Saunders is an author, illustrator, lover of wild places and mother to twin daughters, one of whom is profoundly deaf. She founded AVID Language to help inspire deaf children to dream big and reach for the stars. Tanya blogs about her experiences of parenting a deaf child alongside a hearing sibling, writing, publishing and the latest AVID Language news.*
*Views and opinions are entirely Tanya’s own, and not necessarily representative of AVID Language Ltd as a whole.

To blog or not to blog?
To blog or not to blog? That is the question. For a long time, I have wanted to share my experiences of parenting a deaf child in order to help other parents starting out along a similar path and to exchange views on how to approach the many tricky situations and decisions we all face on this remarkable but tough journey. My hesitation to do so until now has been the consideration of our children’s privacy. My husband Ian and I have twin daughters, Sala and Onna, currently six years old. Onna is profoundly deaf, Sala is typically hearing. When they are old enough to understand, how will they feel that their story has been online for anyone and everyone to read? Ian and I have discussed this at length, and in the end the answer was quite clear to us. This story is not one of shame or regret, it is one of pride and perseverance – of daily challenges and daily triumphs. We’re not kidding ourselves - we still have a long way to go on this journey. And yes, there have been some extremely difficult times, and there will be again (it can be a rocky road at times), but ultimately there is nothing here not to celebrate and share, especially if it can help others.